What Does the Case Manager Do? Texas HCS 101

by Mary Jenkins  - April 29, 2023

What Does the Case Manager Do? Texas HCS 101

What Does the Case Manager Do? Texas HCS 101 1 September 2024

The Case Manager is an important part of the Texas Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) program. This person is responsible for helping participants receive the services they need to stay in their homes and communities. In this article, we will discuss what the Case Manager does and how they can help you or a loved one receive the HCS services you need.

What is the Texas HCS program and what services does it offer? 

What Does the Case Manager Do? Texas HCS 101 3 September 2024

The Texas Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) program is a Medicaid waiver program that provides services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who live in their own homes or apartments or with family members. The HCS program offers a wide range of services, including:

  • Community living supports
  • Respite care
  • Supported employment
  • Therapeutic activities

What is the role of the Case Manager in the Texas HCS program? 

What Does the Case Manager Do? Texas HCS 101 5 September 2024

The Case Manager is responsible for helping participants receive the services they need to stay in their homes and communities. The Case Manager will work with you or your loved one to develop a service plan that outlines the services you need and how often you need them. The Case Manager will also help connect you with the service providers who will be delivering your services.

Ultimately, the Case Manager serves as an advocate for participants and works to ensure that they are receiving the services they need to live happy, healthy, and productive lives in their communities.

How does the Case Manager help people receive services through the Texas HCS program? 

What Does the Case Manager Do? Texas HCS 101 7 September 2024

The Case Manager can help you or a loved one receive services through the Texas HCS program by:

Assisting with the application process

The HCS application process can be complex and confusing. The Case Manager can help you or your loved one navigate the application process and ensure that all required documentation is submitted.

Connecting you with service providers

The Case Manager will work with you to develop a service plan that outlines the services you need and how often you need them. The Case Manager will also help connect you with the service providers who will be delivering your services.

Monitoring service delivery

The Case Manager will meet with you or your loved one on a regular basis to ensure that the services you are receiving are meeting your needs. The Case Manager will also work with you to make any necessary changes to your service plan.

Developing a service plan

The Case Manager will work with you to develop a service plan that outlines the services you need and how often you need them. The service plan will be based on your individual needs and preferences.

Monitoring your progress and making changes to your service plan as needed

The Case Manager will meet with you or your loved one on a regular basis to monitor your progress and make any necessary changes to your service plan.

What are some common issues that Case Managers help resolve? 

What Does the Case Manager Do? Texas HCS 101 9 September 2024

Some common issues that Case Managers help resolve include:

Finding appropriate housing

Finding housing is often one of the biggest challenges for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Case Manager can help you or your loved one find appropriate housing that meets your needs and preferences.

Accessing community resources

The Case Manager can help you or your loved one access community resources, such as recreational activities, transportation options, day habilitation, and support groups.

Managing behavior issues

The Case Manager can help you or your loved one manage behavior issues that may be interfering with your ability to live in the community.

Accessing transportation

Access to transportation is often one of the biggest challenges for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Case Manager can help you or your loved one find transportation options that meet your needs and preferences.

Obtaining necessary benefits

The Case Manager can help you or your loved one obtain the benefits you need to live in the community, such as Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). These processes are often confusing and difficult to navigate, and the Case Manager’s role is to help make them as easy as possible for you.

Making sure services are being delivered as intended

Proper service delivery is essential for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be able to live in the community. The Case Manager’s role is to ensure that services are being delivered as intended and that any issues that arise are promptly addressed.

Other FAQs about Case Management

What Does the Case Manager Do? Texas HCS 101 11 September 2024

Q: How often will I meet with my Case Manager?

A: The frequency of your meetings with the Case Manager will be based on your individual needs and preferences.

Q: Can I choose my own Case Manager?

A: You may request a specific Case Manager, but it is not guaranteed that you will be able to work with that person. The availability of Case Managers can vary, and you will be matched with a Case Manager based on your needs.

Q: How long will I have a Case Manager?

A: The length of time you will have a Case Manager will be based on your individual needs and preferences. Some people may need the support of a Case Manager for a short period of time, while others may need a Case Manager for an extended period of time.

Q: What if I don’t like my Case Manager?

A: If you are not happy with your Case Manager, you can request a change. The process for requesting a change will vary depending on the agency you are working with, but it is typically a simple process.

Q: I’m still not sure what a Case Manager does. Can you give me an example?

A: Let’s say you are a person with an intellectual disability who lives in your own apartment. You receive support services from a home health agency. Your Case Manager would work with you to develop a service plan that outlines the services you need and how often you need them. The Case Manager would then coordinate with the home health agency to ensure that those services are being delivered as intended. In addition, the Case Manager would meet with you on a regular basis to check in on your progress and make any necessary changes to your service plan.

Closing thoughts on the role of Texas HCS Case Managers

What Does the Case Manager Do? Texas HCS 101 13 September 2024

A Case Manager is an important part of the team that helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities live in the community. The Case Manager’s role is to connect people with the resources they need to be successful. If you have any questions about what a Case Manager does, or if you think you might need one, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would be happy to talk with you about your individual needs and how we can best support you. Thank you for reading!

About the author

About Mary Jenkins

Mary Jenkins has over 25 years experience helping individuals with IDD live and thrive in their community. She founded Above and Beyond Caring in 2007 to provide Texas HCS services in the Texas Gulf Coast area. She is also the Director of the Community Inclusion Project, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to ensuring all individuals have access to their community. She is passionate about her work and believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to be a part of, and contribute to, the world around them. Mary is a tireless advocate who is passionate about helping individuals with IDD live fuller, more meaningful lives.

What Does the Case Manager Do? Texas HCS 101 15 September 2024
What Residential Settings are in HCS? – Texas HCS 101
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